Telunas Resorts Honored For Work in Community

Telunas Resorts was honored at the Indonesian National Child and Family Remembrance Day event held today in the Riau Islands of Indonesia.

Telunas Resorts was recognized as a company that cares for children in the local community.

IMG 4111Caring for the Community

Telunas has always been known for caring for the local community. Teaching English classes in local villages, providing education scholarships, making sure local community kids have sports equipment, inviting  High School teenagers to a camp where they can learn about health and values are some of the ways Telunas impacts the local community.

Telunas believes that the welfare of every child is of utmost importance. Supporting the local community so it is a friendly and safe place for children is key, so children feel trusted, respected and valued.

The hope is that these programs will lead to a positive impact on the social, physical, moral and emotional components of every child.

Pictured below is Ali Fauji of the Holistic Community Development department. He is being presented the award by H. Muhammad Rudi, SE, MM.

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About Us

Telunas Resorts builds boutique resorts in remote areas to provide incredible vacation experiences for our Guests and job opportunities for the local community.

For more information about Telunas’ Impact on the local community click here>.